Urban Atmospheres

Proactive archeology
of our urban landscapes
and emerging technology

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How is Intel Involved in this?

Urban Atmospheres is a collection of newly emerging urban based research projects being conducted across Intel Research. This included not just the work at Intel Research Berkeley but also related projects at Intel's People and Practices (PaPR) Research group in Oregon and others.

Eric Paulos directs the Urban Atmospheres research as a Research Scientist at Intel Corporation.  Many of the the projects and research conducted within Urban Atmospheres are released openly to the public through this and other web sites as part of Intel's network of university research laboratories.

What is Intel's network of university research laboratories and why is it so different?

The Intel network of university research laboratories represents a bold new form of industry-university collaboration that reflects the special nature of information age technology. The mission of the network of labs is to conduct the highest quality research in emerging, important areas of Computer Science and Information Technology, by joining the unique strengths of universities and Intel in concurrent, collaborative efforts that are both broad in scope and deeply penetrating in exploration. 

These labs operate in a uniquely open fashion, promoting a powerful, bi-directional exchange of groundbreaking ideas, technology, and people. They play a leadership role in the creation of new research ecosystems spanning the continuum from academic study to product development. The activities of the individual labs are project-focused with an active, constantly evolving agenda that seeks to open new directions for research, education, and industry. Projects involve researchers from Intel and local universities as well as members of the more global research community.  In essence an open collaboration environment to promote the sharing of ideas and resources.

Eric Paulos         Intel Research Berkeley

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